I spent an amazing week at Ron Pokrasso’s studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I was introduced to Monoprint and Monotype and the endless ways to work within this medium. As I like to work with mixed media while incorporating collage elements this workshop took me to a new level of intaglio and chine-collé. This workshop was really well organized and fulfilled my expectations as Ron is an amazing instructor.
The workshop was intensive as I spent 9-10 hours a day for 5 days and elected to spend another 10 hour day at the end to practice what I had learned. It was worth every second and I look forward to learning more from Ron.
I am looking forward to another of his workshops which will be help in February 2020 in Guanajuato, Mexico. Stay tuned! For more information on Ron Pokrasso and to see his amazing work visit RonPokrasso.com.